Well besides my efforts with the pig sanctuary I have been busy around the yard. I have peppers and cherry tomatoes growing wonderfully and organically. I continue to reduce my waste and am proud to say that I fill up about 3 recycle bins a week.
My most exciting news to share is that we are getting chickens. Rob grew up with them and its something I have wanted to do for a long time. With all of the scary stuff going on in this world I want more and more to be able to have more control over the food I eat. We plan to keep them for eggs but eventually for meat as well. I plan to feed them organically and give them my food scraps too. Eventually I plan to sell their eggs too and already have a few interested buyers! Right now we are working on the coop and once it is complete then we will get our chickens. Rob's mom and dad have a few so we may get some babies from them and raise them from chicks or we may rescue some full growns from the sanctuary. We'll see what happens.
I have set my rain barrell up and I tell you it quit raining as soon as I did. I have not officially gotten to use it yet but either way I am still excited about it.
I have also been working with our P.R. person at work and we are now including a green tip in our utility bill newsletter.
Hope all is well!