Ok this is going to be a quick one so please forgive any misspellings.
Why has this become such a "disposable world"? At what point did we become so wealthy that we could just throw things away because we are too lazy to drive them over a church, thrift store or Goodwill? I mean really. Friday night on my way home from dinner we passed a house with BAGS and I mean BAGS of things they were just throwing away. There was at least 6 garbage bags full of clothing not to mention boxes of Tupperware and other things too. I stopped and grabbed some bags that were not damaged (or soiled yet by a neighborhood dog) and brought them home. I washed about 3 full loads of clothes. The bags contained dozens of outfits for babies, toddlers and even adults. Clothes with tons of wear left in them. I can't believe that someone would just toss them like that. Besides the fact that they will rot in a landfill somewhere, do you stop to think about how other people can benefit from the clothing? So needless to say after running them through the wash they will eventually be donated to my church to pass on to people in need.
So I challenge you, the next time your are moving, or spring cleaning or whatever the case may be, to find another home for your things, other than a trash can. There are so many places these days that will accept and welcome your donated items. If you have furniture and other non-clothing items, Habitat for Humanity's "ReStore" in Bunnell will take them with open arms. Clothing and other items can be donated to the Humane Society thrift store and Goodwill and thats only to name a few places. Almost any church will accept these items too, especially clothing to pass on to people in need. One thing that I do is just keep a box in my office and as I come across things I no longer use or need I put it in the box. When the box gets full it goes in to my car and gets dropped off somewhere. Another thing I do too is bring my old clothing to work and give them to friends who are close to my size. A lot of times after a few uses I decide that I am not crazy about the way some thing fits or looks on me, so I throw it in a bag and bring it in to work. My friends are always thankful and I always ask them that if they can't use them or don't want them just to please make sure they go to Goodwill or something of the sort.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Either stand for something or you'll fall for anything
Many people may not know this about me but I don't particularly care for conflict. That is why I love writing so much. I get to say how I feel and if someone doesn't like it, they can just stop reading. Well, the other night in the car my husband and I got in to a heated discussion. The discussion was actually about a friend of his who made a comment to me not long ago that I didn't agree with (and let it be known.) To make a long story short it was about a story I heard while watching Food Inc. about a young child who died from E. coli which was found in spinach he had eaten. There are all kinds of theories, related to the meat industry, of how veggies like spinach are suddenly being contaminated but I won't go in to that right now. The mother of the child in this story is now a food safety advocate. As a mother myself, I know that I can't do everything to protect my child. But, with that being said, I know that if God forbid something like that were to happen to me, the only thing that would give me peace would be knowing I did and would continue to do everything possible to keep this from happening to another child's family. With that being said, our heated debate was about standing for something. Basically the point I tried to get across was that I am not saying that I am right or wrong in my thinking, BUT I am doing what I believe could make a difference in my daughters future. I believe that even if I am only one person, I CAN make a difference. I can't stand the mentality of, 'well I can't make much of a difference by myself so I will turn a blind eye and pretend like the things that are happening in this world aren't really happening.' That is of course until it hits close to home and I have no choice but to recognize it. I can't be that person and I don't think anyone should. True, one person alone can't change everything but look how far we've come already.
Those who know me personally know that I don't go around all day preaching my beliefs about the environment and food safety or lack thereof. I do however talk about what I am cooking, what I am eating and what I am doing. You'd be amazed how many times I go out to eat with a group, whether it be co-workers, friends or even family and I order something "meatless" from the menu and the conversation suddenly turns to the over consumption of meat in the U.S. I can't tell you how many people have said to me that they too have wanted to cut back on their meat consumption but needed a push or maybe even some ideas on how to get started. When I walk out of that restaurant, I know that I have made a difference. I don't expect the world someday to be full of vegetarians. I do however want to encourage the people I love to make better choices for themselves and their families. To be more aware of where their food came from, how it was processed and what types of "unthinkables" it has been subjected to, like chemicals and added hormones. I do want to encourage people to cut back on their meat. Start with one meal a week, then one day a week and see where it takes you. Start exploring new options and you'll be surprised at how many tasty meat free choices there are out there. But, most importantly, share this thinking with the people around you. That, my friend, is how one person can change the world. By sharing what you believe in and standing for something.
Those who know me personally know that I don't go around all day preaching my beliefs about the environment and food safety or lack thereof. I do however talk about what I am cooking, what I am eating and what I am doing. You'd be amazed how many times I go out to eat with a group, whether it be co-workers, friends or even family and I order something "meatless" from the menu and the conversation suddenly turns to the over consumption of meat in the U.S. I can't tell you how many people have said to me that they too have wanted to cut back on their meat consumption but needed a push or maybe even some ideas on how to get started. When I walk out of that restaurant, I know that I have made a difference. I don't expect the world someday to be full of vegetarians. I do however want to encourage the people I love to make better choices for themselves and their families. To be more aware of where their food came from, how it was processed and what types of "unthinkables" it has been subjected to, like chemicals and added hormones. I do want to encourage people to cut back on their meat. Start with one meal a week, then one day a week and see where it takes you. Start exploring new options and you'll be surprised at how many tasty meat free choices there are out there. But, most importantly, share this thinking with the people around you. That, my friend, is how one person can change the world. By sharing what you believe in and standing for something.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
vegetarian 101
I found this great article in a blog that I am following called "Veggie Love Planet" which totally sums up my reasons for no longer eating meat.
When it comes to vegetarianism, the number one question on most meat-eaters' minds is, "What do you eat?" The answer: Anything we want! There are vegetarian alternatives to almost any animal food, from soy sausages and "Fib Ribs" to Tofurky jerky and mock lobster. Vegetarian-friendly menus are sprouting up everywhere—even Burger King offers veggie burgers—and more and more eateries are focusing exclusively on vegetarian and vegan foods. There are fantastic alternatives to every dairy product you can imagine, including Soy Delicious ice cream, Silk chocolate soy milk, Tofutti cream cheese, and more.
When it comes to vegetarianism, the number one question on most meat-eaters' minds is, "What do you eat?" The answer: Anything we want! There are vegetarian alternatives to almost any animal food, from soy sausages and "Fib Ribs" to Tofurky jerky and mock lobster. Vegetarian-friendly menus are sprouting up everywhere—even Burger King offers veggie burgers—and more and more eateries are focusing exclusively on vegetarian and vegan foods. There are fantastic alternatives to every dairy product you can imagine, including Soy Delicious ice cream, Silk chocolate soy milk, Tofutti cream cheese, and more.
Every year in the U.S., more than 27 billion animals are slaughtered for food. Raising Animals on factory farms is cruel and ecologically devastating. Eating Animals is bad for our health, leading directly to many diseases and illnesses, including heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. In response to animal welfare, health, and ecological concerns, compassionate people everywhere are adopting a vegetarian diet.
For Animals
Animals on factory farms are treated like meat, milk, and egg machines. Chickens have their sensitive beaks seared off with a hot blade, and male cattle and pigs are castrated without any painkillers. All farmed chickens, turkeys, and pigs spend their brief lives in dark and crowded warehouses, many of them so cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a single wing. They are mired in their own waste, and the stench of ammonia fills the air. Animals raised for food are bred and drugged to grow as large as possible as quickly as possible—many are so heavy that they become crippled under their own weight and die within inches of their water supply.
Animals on factory farms do not see the sun or get a breath of fresh air until they are prodded and crammed onto trucks for a nightmarish ride to the slaughterhouse, often through weather extremes and always without food or water. Many die during transport, and others are too sick or weak to walk off the truck after they reach the slaughterhouse. The animals who survive this hellish ordeal are hung upside-down and their throats are slit, often while they're completely conscious. Many are still alive while they are skinned, hacked into pieces, or scalded in the defeathering tanks. By switching to a vegetarian diet, you can save more than 100 animals a year from this misery.
One suggestion: If you plan to make the transition to a vegetarian diet gradually, the most important foods to cut out of your diet first are bird flesh and eggs. While many people think that “red meat” and dairy products should be the first to go, this isn’t the case. By cutting bird flesh from your diet, you’ll save many more animals. Because chickens are so small, the average meat-eater is responsible for the deaths of many more chickens than cows. Plus, chickens and turkeys exploited by the meat and egg industries are the most abused animals commonly used for food.
For Your Health
Some of the leading killers in America today, including heart disease, cancer, obesity, and strokes, are directly linked to meat-based diets. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America today, and it is caused by the build-up of cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products in our arteries. The only two doctors in human history who have successfully reversed heart disease have included an exclusively vegetarian diet as a part of their programs. The average vegan cholesterol level is 133 (compared to 210 for meat-eaters); there are no documented cases of heart attacks in individuals with cholesterol under 150. Other health problems tied to clogged arteries, like poor circulation and atherosclerotic strokes, can be virtually eliminated with a vegan diet.
Vegans are approximately one-ninth as likely to be obese as meat-eaters and have a cancer rate that is only 40 percent that of meat-eaters. People who consume animal products are also at increased risk for many other illnesses, including strokes, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, Alzheimer's, multiple allergies, diabetes, and food poisoning.
For the Environment
America's meat addiction is poisoning and depleting our potable water, arable land, and clean air. More than half of the water used in the United States today goes to animal agriculture, and since farmed animals produce 130 times more excrement than the human population, the run-off from their waste is fouling our waterways. Animal excrement emits gases, such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, that poison the air around farms, as well as methane and nitrous oxide, which are major contributors to global warming. Forests are being bulldozed to make more room for factory farms and feed crops to feed farmed animals, and this destruction causes soil erosion and contributes to species extinction and habitat loss. Raising animals for food also requires massive amounts of food and raw materials: Farmed animals consume 70 percent of the corn, wheat, and other grains that we grow, and one-third of all the raw materials and fossil fuels used in the U.S. go to raising animals for food. In short, our country's meat addiction is wrecking the earth.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Local vs. Organic
Local vs. Organic
Let's clear up one issue: There is no such thing as local vs. organic. When it comes to consumer choice, we should be buying local and organic, though for mostly different reasons.
Why We Should Buy Local?
Local is really important as a deep investment into your local economy and developing a relationship with the person who produces your food. Not only do local businesses generate more local income, jobs, and tax receipts, but they also tend to utilize advertizing, banks, and services in the local community. In fact, a dollar spent at a local business turns over seven times in that community; while the same dollar spent at a box store or chain only turns over 2.5 times. Buying locally builds a healthy community on many levels. (For case studies on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of buying local visit the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies).
Why We Should Buy Local?
Local is really important as a deep investment into your local economy and developing a relationship with the person who produces your food. Not only do local businesses generate more local income, jobs, and tax receipts, but they also tend to utilize advertizing, banks, and services in the local community. In fact, a dollar spent at a local business turns over seven times in that community; while the same dollar spent at a box store or chain only turns over 2.5 times. Buying locally builds a healthy community on many levels. (For case studies on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of buying local visit the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies).
Why Buy Organic?
If we converted all tillable acres globally to organic practices, we could sequester up to 40% of all the world's carbon emissions. This is the single largest strategy for mitigating carbon dioxide. There is nothing more significant to help us in our crisis with climate. In the U.S. alone, it would be equivalent to taking 216,000,000 automobiles off the road, or 25% of our country's CO2 emissions. This is most hopeful news out there.
Some might recoil at the organic or even farmer's market prices that are often asked for these products, but remember when we buy organic we are paying the grower for the full price of our food. This true price reflects our power as consumers to support our farmers, who sequester our own personal carbon emission excesses, such as those from our commutes, air-conditioning, and other "necessary" purchases that have been shipped in from off-shore, with sustainable farming practices. And in the production of organic food, unlike conventional chemical agriculture, there are no long-term ecological costs that are yet to be paid for by us or by our descendants.
Buy organic always, and encourage and buy local. Doing so is a direct investment in one of our very few, possible futures.
Guest contributor Tim LaSalle is CEO of Rodale Institute, which is dedicated to researching and educating farmers and consumers about sustainable agriculture.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The benefits of garlic. Its good for more than just cooking!
Since my daughter started going to daycare about a year ago I have been blessed (not so much) with numerous colds. This is something I have always struggled with anyway since someone can walk into a room sick and I am almost definitely going to get it. I recently read about the health benefits of garlic and not long after that I got another cold. I decided to give it a shot and was pleasantly surprised."The Doctors Book of Food Remedies" by prevention magazine says "Garlic has been used throughout history for treating virtually every type of infection. Now there is increasing evidence that it can help protect against colds and the flu as well." It also goes on to say that to get the benefits of it you have to eat a lot of it. So everything I ate was covered in garlic and within a day or two I started to feel better. Before you knew it my cold was gone. My husband couldn't sleep in the same room as me (kidding) but my cold was gone.
I am one of those people who always gets worse. Very rarely do I get a cold and just get better on my own. A cold always seems to progress into an upper respiratory infection for me so to get better on my own was a breath of fresh (garlicky) air! Next time your sick, give it a shot. Remember you need lots of it.
I am one of those people who always gets worse. Very rarely do I get a cold and just get better on my own. A cold always seems to progress into an upper respiratory infection for me so to get better on my own was a breath of fresh (garlicky) air! Next time your sick, give it a shot. Remember you need lots of it.
Help others get creative...
Those of you who know me know Chloe started at a new daycare a few weeks ago. One of the things I like best about the new school is they are smaller and it is more of a family environment versus very business oriented like her old school. One of my missions is to educate others in all of the possibilities there are in being more environmentally friendly. I mentioned to Chloe's teacher and the owner of the daycare one of my passions of reusing and reducing waste. She was very open to my ideas.
I have accumulated a ton of egg cartons from friends because of my chickens and selling the eggs so I got a few craft ideas together and started working on getting some projects ready for the kids in Chloe's school. I was actually able to provide enough supplies for the entire school (39 kids) not just her class. They were thrilled about the "ready made" project and that it cost them nothing. I was thrilled to share the ideas with them and get such a great response, especially considering I was sharing my passion of "reusing" with them and they were receptive to it. I encourage you to do the same thing. Its great that we reduce our own waste and make positive changes in our own lives but what are you doing to encourage others to do the same?
I have accumulated a ton of egg cartons from friends because of my chickens and selling the eggs so I got a few craft ideas together and started working on getting some projects ready for the kids in Chloe's school. I was actually able to provide enough supplies for the entire school (39 kids) not just her class. They were thrilled about the "ready made" project and that it cost them nothing. I was thrilled to share the ideas with them and get such a great response, especially considering I was sharing my passion of "reusing" with them and they were receptive to it. I encourage you to do the same thing. Its great that we reduce our own waste and make positive changes in our own lives but what are you doing to encourage others to do the same?
My first harvest
I received my first half share harvest from Flagler Organics last week and it was awesome! I picked another basket up this week with even more great goodies in it. The half share is definitely plenty for the 3 of us and I am really getting creative now with the veggies I am getting. I am going to be making some zucchini bread this weekend and I cant wait. If you live in the Flagler County area and have not looked into Flagler Organics yet I highly recommend that you do. They have several pick up locations and days in Flagler & Volusia county area. In addition to the fruits and veggies I get in my basket they also sell bread, eggs, ghee and lots of other goodies you can buy when you pick up your basket each week.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
It's official, my mom and I are members of Flagler Organics
I am so excited that my mom and I have finally signed up for a membership with Flagler Organics. Each week I will pick up a basket with a variety of vegetables and fruits, all organic and from local farmers (within the state). If you have not looked into a buyers club or co-op in your area you really should. Here's how Flagler Organics works:
Depending on the season, each share will have a mixture of 6 or 8 vegetables and 5 or 6 fruits.
If you live in the Flagler/Volusia county area check them out at www.flaglerorganics.com
To find a buyers club or local co-op/CSA in your area check out www.localharvest.org
Happy eating!
Depending on the season, each share will have a mixture of 6 or 8 vegetables and 5 or 6 fruits.
They have 3 types of memberships.
- Full Share Basket A share is enough food for 4 people who eat fruits and vegetables as a mainstay in their diet.
- Half Share Basket A half share is enough food for 2 people who eat fruits and vegetables as a mainstay in their diet.
- Singles Share Basket Is a little different. A Singles Share Basket has 3 to 4 vegetables and 2 to 3 fruits.
If you live in the Flagler/Volusia county area check them out at www.flaglerorganics.com
To find a buyers club or local co-op/CSA in your area check out www.localharvest.org
Happy eating!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Taking Local Honey Gets Allergies to Buzz Off
With my fabulous (not) insurance I get through the city my regular allergy medicine (the only one that actually works) costs me $70 per month. Because of this I have explored other options. This is one that has actually helped. I do occasionally find myself needing to take an Allegra but at least my 30 day supply lasts me months now instead. Read below for some great info.
Taking Local Honey Gets Allergies to Buzz Off
By Valerie Carruthers, posted April 25th, 2010
Contributing author for Flagler Organics.
When it comes to preventing or easing seasonal allergies, local honey works far more effectively and safely than the immune-suppressing allergy drugs prescribed by doctors or sold over the counter. It also saves you lots of money. Horticulturist/author Tom Ogren (www.allergyfree-gardening.com) has described local honey as being packed with pollen grains and other nutrients making it one of the most potent immune-system boosters.
How local honey works is similar to homeopathy’s concept of “like cures like.”
Allergies are caused by over-exposure to pollens found in our local plant species, such as the bottlebrush tree. Honeybees gather pollen from the bottlebrush and other local trees, shrubs and flowers that winds up in small amounts in the honey produced in this area.
Taking small amounts of local honey daily is like having ongoing allergy shots minus the discomfort or cost, say Ogren and www.focusorganic.com. It gradually increases your immune system’s tolerance to the pollens while decreasing the sneezing and other symptoms. [Important note: Never give local raw honey to children under the age of one. It can be highly dangerous to infants.]
For best results, take 2-3 teaspoonfuls of local honey daily, if possible beginning a few months prior to allergy season. (Highly allergic persons should start with a quarter teaspoon or less per day and slowly build up.) The more local the honey, the better it will work. Your body will then better adapt to its environment (See www.globalhealingcenter.com for more on local honey and health.)
Taking Local Honey Gets Allergies to Buzz Off
By Valerie Carruthers, posted April 25th, 2010
Contributing author for Flagler Organics.
When it comes to preventing or easing seasonal allergies, local honey works far more effectively and safely than the immune-suppressing allergy drugs prescribed by doctors or sold over the counter. It also saves you lots of money. Horticulturist/author Tom Ogren (www.allergyfree-gardening.com) has described local honey as being packed with pollen grains and other nutrients making it one of the most potent immune-system boosters.
How local honey works is similar to homeopathy’s concept of “like cures like.”
Allergies are caused by over-exposure to pollens found in our local plant species, such as the bottlebrush tree. Honeybees gather pollen from the bottlebrush and other local trees, shrubs and flowers that winds up in small amounts in the honey produced in this area.
Taking small amounts of local honey daily is like having ongoing allergy shots minus the discomfort or cost, say Ogren and www.focusorganic.com. It gradually increases your immune system’s tolerance to the pollens while decreasing the sneezing and other symptoms. [Important note: Never give local raw honey to children under the age of one. It can be highly dangerous to infants.]
For best results, take 2-3 teaspoonfuls of local honey daily, if possible beginning a few months prior to allergy season. (Highly allergic persons should start with a quarter teaspoon or less per day and slowly build up.) The more local the honey, the better it will work. Your body will then better adapt to its environment (See www.globalhealingcenter.com for more on local honey and health.)
One man's trash is another man's or woman's treasure

As many of you know one of my favorite things to do is take something that someone else no longer wants and make it new again. This was the case with an old pool deck at my in-laws old house that my brother in law and sister in law now own. The above ground pool has since been torn down but the small deck remained. The deck is pretty worn out since it is about 15 years old but there was so much potential still left in it. Sooooo they gave it to us and it is now our back deck. We did have to replace a few boards in the floor and re-brace the legs but overall we only have about $20-$30 in to it. Many of you may not know this but Lowes/Home Depot stacks up bent or damaged wood onto carts. Once the cart is full they sell the whole cart for pennies on the dollar. Because of this we were able to pick up wood for next to nothing to replace the damaged boards and build braces for the legs. We still need to put up a rail (I had sooo much fun with demolishing the old ones) and paint the deck but overall it is fully functioning right now as our deck. When all is said and done we expect to have less than $100 in to it. Now tell me where you can build a back deck for less than $100? Saving money and keeping stuff from the landfill...my 2 favorite things to do!
Disposing of old medications
Unfortunately, old medication often goes straight down the toilet or the sink, but the problem is sewage wastewater treatment plants aren't equipped to filter out drugs so they wind up in our waterways.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies have found pharmaceuticals present not only in waterways, but also in aquatic creatures. Minute levels have also been found in drinking water. In addition to antibiotics and steroids, over 100 different Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products as Pollutants (PPCPs) had been identified by 2007 in environmental samples and drinking water.
Not a lot is known about the environmental and human health impact of the presence of pharmaceuticals in waterways as more research is needed; but it's a disturbing situation.
How to dispose of old medication
It's important not to flush prescription drugs down the toilet or drain unless information accompanying the medication specifically states you can do so.
Probably the best first course of action is to contact your local pharmacy and ask them if they have a drug take-back program as these initiatives are becoming increasingly common. Pharmacies that do will ensure the medications are disposed of in the proper manner; usually via incineration.
Another point of contact is your local council's waste department as they may offer a drop-off facility for old medications or may be able to direct you to a service that does.
Failing all that, the general advice is to dispose of the medications in your household trash, but to take some special safety precautions by take the medications out of their original containers and placing them into another airtight container, mixed in with something undesirable - such as used kitty litter or other substances equally as unappealing. It's not ideal as the drugs can contaminate the soil when landfilled and possibly contaminate groundwater; but that's really the only other option and according to authorities; the "lesser of the evils".
While some disposal programs incinerate old medications, do not attempt to incinerate medications at home as this can be just as environmentally damaging as landfill disposal and hazardous to your health, due to the gases produced. Medicine disposal programs use special incinerators that burn at very high temperatures.
Michael Bloch
Green Living Tips.com
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies have found pharmaceuticals present not only in waterways, but also in aquatic creatures. Minute levels have also been found in drinking water. In addition to antibiotics and steroids, over 100 different Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products as Pollutants (PPCPs) had been identified by 2007 in environmental samples and drinking water.
Not a lot is known about the environmental and human health impact of the presence of pharmaceuticals in waterways as more research is needed; but it's a disturbing situation.
How to dispose of old medication
It's important not to flush prescription drugs down the toilet or drain unless information accompanying the medication specifically states you can do so.
Probably the best first course of action is to contact your local pharmacy and ask them if they have a drug take-back program as these initiatives are becoming increasingly common. Pharmacies that do will ensure the medications are disposed of in the proper manner; usually via incineration.
Another point of contact is your local council's waste department as they may offer a drop-off facility for old medications or may be able to direct you to a service that does.
Failing all that, the general advice is to dispose of the medications in your household trash, but to take some special safety precautions by take the medications out of their original containers and placing them into another airtight container, mixed in with something undesirable - such as used kitty litter or other substances equally as unappealing. It's not ideal as the drugs can contaminate the soil when landfilled and possibly contaminate groundwater; but that's really the only other option and according to authorities; the "lesser of the evils".
While some disposal programs incinerate old medications, do not attempt to incinerate medications at home as this can be just as environmentally damaging as landfill disposal and hazardous to your health, due to the gases produced. Medicine disposal programs use special incinerators that burn at very high temperatures.
Michael Bloch
Green Living Tips.com
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Support businesses that are making smart "green" choices!
From the Starbucks Website:
Join the movement. On April 15th, bring a reusable travel mug into your local Starbucks and get a free brewed coffee.
One person can save trees, together we can save forests.
For the good of the planet, Starbucks is encouraging everyone to switch from paper cups to reusable travel mugs. One day in March thousands of New Yorkers made the switch. Join them now by taking a pledge to do the same.
Join the movement. On April 15th, bring a reusable travel mug into your local Starbucks and get a free brewed coffee.
One person can save trees, together we can save forests.
For the good of the planet, Starbucks is encouraging everyone to switch from paper cups to reusable travel mugs. One day in March thousands of New Yorkers made the switch. Join them now by taking a pledge to do the same.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
David Kirby to Discuss Harm of Factory Farms at Embry-Riddle Town Hall Forum
Communications and Marketing Office
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
For more information, contact:
Phone: 386-226-6157
Fax: 386-226-6158
Contact: Mary Van Buren
Phone: 386-226-6525
David Kirby to Discuss Harm of Factory Farms at Embry-Riddle Town Hall Forum
David Kirby Daytona Beach, Fla., April 2, 2010 -- Award-winning author David Kirby will discuss his new book Animal Factory: The Looming Threat of Industrial Pig, Dairy, and Poultry Farms to Humans and the Environment on Thursday, April 15, at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s next President’s Speaker Series event.
Kirby, a contributor to The Huffington Post, is the author of the bestselling book Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic – A Medical Controversy, which was a finalist for the New York Public Library Helen Bernstein Award for Excellence in Journalism, and has appeared in media outlets such as Larry King, CNN, Don Imus, and Air America. His new book, Animal Factory, is a dramatic exposé of factory farms and the devastating impact they have on human health, the environment, and the economy.
Kirby will be interviewed from 5:30-7 p.m. before an assembled audience in the atrium of Embry-Riddle’s College of Aviation and a live call-in audience on 1150AM WNDB radio. Afterward, Kirby will sign copies of his book, which will be available for sale. Click here for a three-page summary of the information presented in Animal Factory.
Although the 90-minute forums are designed to engage Embry-Riddle students, faculty, and staff on issues of public policy, they are also free and open to the general public.
For more information, visit www.embryriddle.edu.
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
For more information, contact:
Phone: 386-226-6157
Fax: 386-226-6158
Contact: Mary Van Buren
Phone: 386-226-6525
David Kirby to Discuss Harm of Factory Farms at Embry-Riddle Town Hall Forum
David Kirby Daytona Beach, Fla., April 2, 2010 -- Award-winning author David Kirby will discuss his new book Animal Factory: The Looming Threat of Industrial Pig, Dairy, and Poultry Farms to Humans and the Environment on Thursday, April 15, at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s next President’s Speaker Series event.
Kirby, a contributor to The Huffington Post, is the author of the bestselling book Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic – A Medical Controversy, which was a finalist for the New York Public Library Helen Bernstein Award for Excellence in Journalism, and has appeared in media outlets such as Larry King, CNN, Don Imus, and Air America. His new book, Animal Factory, is a dramatic exposé of factory farms and the devastating impact they have on human health, the environment, and the economy.
Kirby will be interviewed from 5:30-7 p.m. before an assembled audience in the atrium of Embry-Riddle’s College of Aviation and a live call-in audience on 1150AM WNDB radio. Afterward, Kirby will sign copies of his book, which will be available for sale. Click here for a three-page summary of the information presented in Animal Factory.
Although the 90-minute forums are designed to engage Embry-Riddle students, faculty, and staff on issues of public policy, they are also free and open to the general public.
For more information, visit www.embryriddle.edu.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Support the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act
Most Americans strongly oppose the use of battery cages, gestation crates and veal crates to cruelly confine animals on factory farms. Unfortunately, your tax dollars are being used to support the use of all three systems. In fact, the federal government spends more than $1 billion a year on animal products for various federal programs like the National School Lunch Program. Currently, there are no federal laws in place regarding the on-farm treatment of animals exploited for these federal food programs, but new legislation introduced this spring aims to change that.
The Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act (HR 4733) would prohibit the government from purchasing any animal products from animals raised in veal crates, gestation crates and battery cages – three systems that deny animals on farms enough room to even stand up, turn around or lie down. If passed, this legislation, though modest, would affect the lives of millions of animals, and send a clear message to agribusiness that the U.S. government will no longer turn a blind eye to the inhumane treatment of animals raised for food.
You can help!
Call your federal representative and ask him or her to support HR 4733, the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act. Let them know that the on-farm treatment of the approximately 10 billion animals raised and slaughtered annually in the U.S. for food production is of paramount importance to you.
The Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act (HR 4733) would prohibit the government from purchasing any animal products from animals raised in veal crates, gestation crates and battery cages – three systems that deny animals on farms enough room to even stand up, turn around or lie down. If passed, this legislation, though modest, would affect the lives of millions of animals, and send a clear message to agribusiness that the U.S. government will no longer turn a blind eye to the inhumane treatment of animals raised for food.
You can help!
Call your federal representative and ask him or her to support HR 4733, the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act. Let them know that the on-farm treatment of the approximately 10 billion animals raised and slaughtered annually in the U.S. for food production is of paramount importance to you.
Stop the waste!
Anyone who knows me knows that one of things most important to me is reducing waste. One of the areas that I continue to struggle with is food. Now dont get me wrong. I dont throw food away since I have chickens, dogs & a compost bin that would love to have it. BUT it still frustrates me when I spend my hard earned money on food and it doesnt get eaten. Soooo I found this great website called www.supercook.com where you actually plug in the ingredients you have and recipes come up using those ingredients. What a great way to "clean up" the food in your fridge. I love the site and highly recommend you check it out.
Top 10 uses for used coffee grounds
10. Deodorizer. Dry them out on a cookie sheet and then put them in a bowl in your refrigerator or freezer, or rub them on your hands to get rid of food prep smells.
9. Plant food. Plants such as rosebushes, azaleas, rhododendrons, evergreen and camellias that prefer acidic soils will appreciate the leftovers from your morning cup. Also, grounds can add nutrients to your compost bin.
8. Insect repellant. Sprinkle old grounds around places you don’t want ants, or on the ant piles themselves. The little buggers will move on or stay away. Used grounds are also said to repel snails and slugs.
7. Dye. By steeping grounds in hot water, you can make brown dye for fabric, paper and even Easter eggs.
6. Furniture scratch cover-up. Steep grounds and apply a bit of the liquid to furniture scratches with a Q-tip.
5. Cleaning product. As they’re slightly abrasive, grounds can be used as a scouring agent for greasy and grimy stain-resistant objects.
4. Kitty repellent. To keep kitty from using the garden as her personal powder room, sprinkle grounds mixed with orange peels around your plants.
3. Flea dip. Follow up Fido’s shampoo with a coffee ground rub down, working them down to his skin. Not only are the fleas suppose to vamoose, but puppy’s hair will feel soft too.
2. Dust inhibitor. Before you clean out the fireplace, toss wet coffee grounds over the ashes to keep the ash dust under control.
And, finally, the #1 use for used coffee grounds....drum roll here....
Cellulite reducer. Mix 1/4 cup warm, used coffee grounds and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. While standing over an old towel or newspaper, apply the mixture to your "problem areas". Next, wrap the areas with shrink wrap and leave on for several minutes. Unwind the wrap, brush loose grounds off your skin and then shower with warm water. For best results, it is recommended to repeat this procedure twice a week. A little weird to be sure, but as high priced cellulite creams have coffee in them, it just might work.
9. Plant food. Plants such as rosebushes, azaleas, rhododendrons, evergreen and camellias that prefer acidic soils will appreciate the leftovers from your morning cup. Also, grounds can add nutrients to your compost bin.
8. Insect repellant. Sprinkle old grounds around places you don’t want ants, or on the ant piles themselves. The little buggers will move on or stay away. Used grounds are also said to repel snails and slugs.
7. Dye. By steeping grounds in hot water, you can make brown dye for fabric, paper and even Easter eggs.
6. Furniture scratch cover-up. Steep grounds and apply a bit of the liquid to furniture scratches with a Q-tip.
5. Cleaning product. As they’re slightly abrasive, grounds can be used as a scouring agent for greasy and grimy stain-resistant objects.
4. Kitty repellent. To keep kitty from using the garden as her personal powder room, sprinkle grounds mixed with orange peels around your plants.
3. Flea dip. Follow up Fido’s shampoo with a coffee ground rub down, working them down to his skin. Not only are the fleas suppose to vamoose, but puppy’s hair will feel soft too.
2. Dust inhibitor. Before you clean out the fireplace, toss wet coffee grounds over the ashes to keep the ash dust under control.
And, finally, the #1 use for used coffee grounds....drum roll here....
Cellulite reducer. Mix 1/4 cup warm, used coffee grounds and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. While standing over an old towel or newspaper, apply the mixture to your "problem areas". Next, wrap the areas with shrink wrap and leave on for several minutes. Unwind the wrap, brush loose grounds off your skin and then shower with warm water. For best results, it is recommended to repeat this procedure twice a week. A little weird to be sure, but as high priced cellulite creams have coffee in them, it just might work.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
There is a new chick in town...
I'm proud to share an award the green committee that I am on at work helped achieve....
Vancouver isn't the only city where gold awards make news. The City of Palm Coast has proudly accepted the prestigious Gold Level Designation for a Green Local Government, received for their extraordinary environmental stewardship throughout all departments and across the community. The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) acknowledged Palm Coast, the Mayor and City Council for not only their internal daily green operations, but also for passing local legislation that offers incentives to the public to protect the environment.
"City Council led by example and adopted the Green Development Incentive Ordinance in November, 2009 to encourage voluntary green building through innovative programs," says Denise Bevan, Senior Environmental Planner for the City of Palm Coast. "The program enhances sustainable practices within the City and recognizes participants with incentive-based initiatives, a Council vision that won points for us with the FGBC."
Additional criteria that helped the City earn the Gold designation include:
* Adopting the Land Development Code that regulates and encourages over fifty low impact development elements across the City of Palm Coast
* Increasing City recycling, with over 60% of residents putting out recyclables by the end of 2009
* Educating the community at the Arbor Day Event, Dynamic Decade Birthday event, Intracoastal Waterway Cleanup and several school field trips and assemblies for community students
* Protecting and promoting natural resources by preserving environmentally sensitive lands and building new trails and bike paths
* Acquiring green staff certifications and national awards
* Promoting water conservation by utilizing reuse water for irrigation and by educating the community in newsletters and on the website
* Continuing green standard operating procedures at all City facilities
* Implementing a battery recycling program for the entire community
Palm Coast is one of nine Florida governments to achieve an FGBC gold status and the only green local government in Northeast Florida. A member from the Florida Green Building Coalition will present the Gold award to Mayor Netts and the City Council at an upcoming Council meeting.
Vancouver isn't the only city where gold awards make news. The City of Palm Coast has proudly accepted the prestigious Gold Level Designation for a Green Local Government, received for their extraordinary environmental stewardship throughout all departments and across the community. The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) acknowledged Palm Coast, the Mayor and City Council for not only their internal daily green operations, but also for passing local legislation that offers incentives to the public to protect the environment.
"City Council led by example and adopted the Green Development Incentive Ordinance in November, 2009 to encourage voluntary green building through innovative programs," says Denise Bevan, Senior Environmental Planner for the City of Palm Coast. "The program enhances sustainable practices within the City and recognizes participants with incentive-based initiatives, a Council vision that won points for us with the FGBC."
Additional criteria that helped the City earn the Gold designation include:
* Adopting the Land Development Code that regulates and encourages over fifty low impact development elements across the City of Palm Coast
* Increasing City recycling, with over 60% of residents putting out recyclables by the end of 2009
* Educating the community at the Arbor Day Event, Dynamic Decade Birthday event, Intracoastal Waterway Cleanup and several school field trips and assemblies for community students
* Protecting and promoting natural resources by preserving environmentally sensitive lands and building new trails and bike paths
* Acquiring green staff certifications and national awards
* Promoting water conservation by utilizing reuse water for irrigation and by educating the community in newsletters and on the website
* Continuing green standard operating procedures at all City facilities
* Implementing a battery recycling program for the entire community
Palm Coast is one of nine Florida governments to achieve an FGBC gold status and the only green local government in Northeast Florida. A member from the Florida Green Building Coalition will present the Gold award to Mayor Netts and the City Council at an upcoming Council meeting.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Don't let your coffee grounds go to waste...
Every day across America millions of pots of coffee and tea are brewed, and the millions of pounds of wet grounds, filters and bags thrown in the trash. This is wasteful and foolish.
Coffee by-products can easily be used in the garden.
* Sprinkle used grounds around plants before rain or watering, for a slow-release nitrogen.
* Add to compost piles to increase nitrogen balance. Coffee filters and tea bags break down rapidly during composting.
* Dilute with water for a gentle, fast-acting liquid fertilizer. Use about a half-pound can of wet grounds in a five-gallon bucket of water; let sit outdoors to achieve ambient temperature.
* Mix into soil for houseplants or new vegetable beds.
* Encircle the base of the plant with a coffee and eggshell barrier to repel pests.
* If you are into vermi-posting, feed a little bit to your worms
It is easy to collect coffee grounds from your office. Just put an empty coffee can next to the coffee maker. Empty once a week or as needed. Once people get wind of what you're doing, don't be surprised if others want the grounds, too! I've been doing this for well over a year now at work. People even started adding banana peels to the can and even apple cores and other food scraps. When I take it home to dump it all into my compost bin, I fill the can with water and then dump it in. This adds some moisture to my compost and helps rinse out the can too. The coffee can stays sealed so you don't smell a thing or see a thing for that matter. I even dump the left over coffee into the can.
Coffee by-products can easily be used in the garden.
* Sprinkle used grounds around plants before rain or watering, for a slow-release nitrogen.
* Add to compost piles to increase nitrogen balance. Coffee filters and tea bags break down rapidly during composting.
* Dilute with water for a gentle, fast-acting liquid fertilizer. Use about a half-pound can of wet grounds in a five-gallon bucket of water; let sit outdoors to achieve ambient temperature.
* Mix into soil for houseplants or new vegetable beds.
* Encircle the base of the plant with a coffee and eggshell barrier to repel pests.
* If you are into vermi-posting, feed a little bit to your worms
It is easy to collect coffee grounds from your office. Just put an empty coffee can next to the coffee maker. Empty once a week or as needed. Once people get wind of what you're doing, don't be surprised if others want the grounds, too! I've been doing this for well over a year now at work. People even started adding banana peels to the can and even apple cores and other food scraps. When I take it home to dump it all into my compost bin, I fill the can with water and then dump it in. This adds some moisture to my compost and helps rinse out the can too. The coffee can stays sealed so you don't smell a thing or see a thing for that matter. I even dump the left over coffee into the can.
Monday, March 22, 2010
My first "meat out"
So this year is the first year of not eating meat for me. I have been staying away from meat for the most part for the last few months. My issue is not necessarily with "eating meat" but actually with the conditions that animals are kept in for the purpose of becoming our dinner. My other issue is with the amount of meat people now eat thanks to what started as the "fast food craze". People dont realize the impact that eating meat at every meal every day, has on the environment, and our bodies. All these food recalls this year should have really clued us in. How does spinach suddenly end up with bacteria on it that is found on fecal matter? If you dont know, watch the movie "Food Inc." It really puts things into perspective. So needless to say, I am happy to report that I have officially survived my first "meat out". The organization(s) that created meatout not only ask that people not eat once a year, but give up meat just one day a week. If everyone did this, the effect would be remarkable! So I challenge you to give up meat, just one day a week. Its amazing how quickly you come with meat alternatives given the opportunity to explore. Happy eating!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Participate in Meatout
What is Meatout?
On (or around) March 20 — the first day of spring — thousands of caring people in all 50 U.S. states and two dozen other countries get active to host educational Meatout events. Activities include colorful festivals, lectures, public dinners, feed-ins, cooking demos, food samplings, leafleting, information tables and more.
The occasion is Meatout, the world's largest and oldest annual grassroots diet education campaign. Meatout 2010 is the 25th Anniversary! Every spring, thousands of caring Meatout supporters educate their communities and ask their friends, families, and neighbors to pledge to "kick the meat habit (at least for a day) and explore a wholesome, compassionate diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains."
On (or around) March 20 — the first day of spring — thousands of caring people in all 50 U.S. states and two dozen other countries get active to host educational Meatout events. Activities include colorful festivals, lectures, public dinners, feed-ins, cooking demos, food samplings, leafleting, information tables and more.
The occasion is Meatout, the world's largest and oldest annual grassroots diet education campaign. Meatout 2010 is the 25th Anniversary! Every spring, thousands of caring Meatout supporters educate their communities and ask their friends, families, and neighbors to pledge to "kick the meat habit (at least for a day) and explore a wholesome, compassionate diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains."
Friday, February 19, 2010
Eggs anyone?

I am so happy to say that I am getting a basket full of eggs on a regular basis now and I LOVE it! I am able to share with friends and family but most of all I love that I have control over my food. I know what my chickens are eating and how they are being treated (spoiled rotten) and that makes me feel pretty darn good.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A fun post about my new phone

I have been in desperate need of a new phone for some time now but I hate "new" things. So for Christmas my hubby bought me Sprint's new phone called "Reclaim". It is so up my ally. It is made from 80% recyclable materials with 40% of the casing made from corn-based bio-plastic. So far I've had no problems with the phone and I feel great getting something "new" when it is made from 80% recyclable materials.
My Mission
So as I have been spending a lot of time thinking about this lately and trying to "re-ground" myself. I wondered, what exactly is it I am trying to do here. So along came my "mission statement". It really helped me define what it is that is important to me here. In later posts I will talk more about what I am already doing and plan to do to help accomplish each thing on my list. So here it is:
Monday, February 8, 2010
green update
Wow - I am really slacking on my posts these days. Life is just so busy. I just got done watching an amazing documentary that my sister bought me for my birthday called "Food INC" which I HIGHLY recommend. It was such an eye opener and really reminded me of a lot of the issues I have with the food industry. As usual it got the wheels turning in my head and I plan to make some big changes in my life.
My husbands parents raise cattle and have offered us a cow to slaughter for some time now and I think we are finally going to take advantage of it. I just have to make some room in my freezer first. Our chickens are doing fantastic and are laying daily giving me about 6 eggs a day. I also have a few roosters which I plan to move to my dinner table soon (or have my hubby do I should say). That one will be a first for me.
I continue to work with our green committee at work to reduce our waste as a City and offer better alternatives to the residents like recycling christmas trees into mulch to be used on city properties for landscaping and proper disposal of batteries, cell phones and other e-waste. My biggest accomplishment has been presenting our City manager as well as our City Council with a proposal (which was approved) that will save the City about $40,000 a year but also save a lot of paper products by eliminating paper delinquent utility notices and replacing them with an automated phone call. I am still working through the testing phase on this but it is going great and I have received a fantastic response so far. This was a very exciting journey for me and I am glad to finally be able to share it with everyone.
I continue to strive for reducing my waste, especially household and I do so by sharing my unwanted items, composting my leftover food scraps and buying only what I need and will use. I continue to reduce my meat intake and hope that others will follow in my footsteps too.
Thanks for reading!
My husbands parents raise cattle and have offered us a cow to slaughter for some time now and I think we are finally going to take advantage of it. I just have to make some room in my freezer first. Our chickens are doing fantastic and are laying daily giving me about 6 eggs a day. I also have a few roosters which I plan to move to my dinner table soon (or have my hubby do I should say). That one will be a first for me.
I continue to work with our green committee at work to reduce our waste as a City and offer better alternatives to the residents like recycling christmas trees into mulch to be used on city properties for landscaping and proper disposal of batteries, cell phones and other e-waste. My biggest accomplishment has been presenting our City manager as well as our City Council with a proposal (which was approved) that will save the City about $40,000 a year but also save a lot of paper products by eliminating paper delinquent utility notices and replacing them with an automated phone call. I am still working through the testing phase on this but it is going great and I have received a fantastic response so far. This was a very exciting journey for me and I am glad to finally be able to share it with everyone.
I continue to strive for reducing my waste, especially household and I do so by sharing my unwanted items, composting my leftover food scraps and buying only what I need and will use. I continue to reduce my meat intake and hope that others will follow in my footsteps too.
Thanks for reading!
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